Tuesday, October 26, 2010

God's Dwelling Place

I have just finished reading and reflecting upon God's Word taken from Ephesians 5:21-25 where Paul speaks about Husbands and Wives and how they are connected with the Lord and His Church.

As I was meditating upon these words, the Lord led me to His great love for the Church as His dwelling place. "Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish (Eph. 5:25-27)."

At this instance, a message was clearly revealed to me to write about "the church as the Lord's dwelling place, a heaven that is on earth".

Heaven is the dwelling place of God
where all people wishes to go
after spending their lives on earth.

They see heaven as a place far above the earth.
A place where angels and saints gather as one
to worship and give praises to God.

The truth is that heaven is all around us today.
Heaven is a place where ever the Lord dwells!

Heaven on earth is the Church
A place where people gather as one
to worship and give praises to God.

I have opened up a new page for this blog titled "God's Dwelling Place" and posted my first scripture entry about the church. Now I am beginning to see the Lord's purpose for this book. Why wait for the after life when you can experience heaven here and now?

Dear Lord,

I remember the first time you have called on me to experience "A Taste of Heaven" which is also the title of the first article I wrote in the Parish Newsletter.

My wife and I attended a Marriage Encounter weekend to further strengthen and enhance our relationship not knowing that it will be the beginning of a bigger purpose and calling that you have set before me.

It is not by coincidence that you have once more opened this message to me today and I believed that there is again a bigger purpose considering that Marriage and Family Life is now undergoing constant attacks by proposed bills in Congress to pass into law the so-called Reproductive Health.

This is the time when people have to stand up and fight against those who are attacking the church, a place where the Lord dwells, a place where one can truly experience the heaven that they desire in life.

May your message cross all over the land so that people may understand your great love for your church.

With much love and respect,
Your Child