
"To you has been given the secret 
of the kingdom of God, 
but for those outside 
everything is in parables; 
so that they may indeed see but not perceive, 
and may indeed hear but not understand; 
lest they should turn again, and be forgiven."
Mark 4:11-12

In the beginning was the Word. . .

I was awakened at the wee hours of the morning by a whisper telling me to write a book with the title "Book to Heaven".

A title was given me without any message as to its purpose and content. To where this book will lead, only the Lord knows.

What I know is that each time the Lord wakes me up at an unexpected hour, His message is of utmost importance that I should obey and follow.

This blog shall serve as the manuscript of a very important book that the Lord had revealed.

Dear Lord, I open myself to you in obedience to your will and purpose. Use my mind to reveal your thoughts which you want to impart to your people. Use my heart to reveal your love and compassion. Use my hands to work for good to all those whom you love. Use my lips to reveal your message so that people will listen and understand. This work is not about me but as always, I am more than willing to follow you because of my love for you. I shall await your further messages and instructions with much love and respect.


"Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old" (Matthew 13:52).